Monthly Archive: July, 2015

Knowledge and Poetic of Solitude (Fourth Part)

Knowledge and Poetic of Solitude (Fourth Part) In his solitude, it seemed to him (Giacomo Leopardi) to hear suddenly, the singing of a pastor wandering in the desert, to the irradiating moon, in… Continue reading

Difference between Education and Instruction

DIFFERENCE between EDUCATION and  INSTRUCTION The education has a wider and deeper value of the instruction and includes it. The instruction regards only the intellectual side, that has the purpose to acquire the… Continue reading

Differenza fra Educazione e Istruzione

DIFFERENZA FRA EDUCAZIONE E ISTRUZIONE L’educazione ha un valore più ampio e profondo dell’istruzione e la comprende. L’istruzione riguarda solo il lato intellettuale, avendo lo scopo di far acquistare il sapere, quel complesso… Continue reading


THE EDUCATION The education, from Latin educare to cultivate, to develop, can be defined as the process through which the man (Homo Sapiens), from early childhood, is gradually developing his energies and best… Continue reading


L’EDUCAZIONE L’educazione, dal latino educare coltivare, sviluppare, può definirsi il processo per cui l’uomo (Homo Sapiens), fin dalla prima infanzia, viene man mano sviluppando le proprie energie e le attitudini migliori, e realizza… Continue reading

Knowledge and Poetic of Solitude (Third Part) in English and Italian Language

Knowledge and Poetic of Solitude (Third Part) This was predictable, because this mad rush of an uncontrolled progress could only lead to collapse, a society focused exclusively on consumption goods. This type of… Continue reading